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Date: 1/30/2025
Subject: February Newsletter Village Santa Cruz County
From: Village Santa Cruz County

Village Santa Cruz County 
   Aging Better Togeth
   The Village News
      February 2024
$1,576,884 Total Raised for Local Nonprofits!
Our Community Caring is Amazing! 
Because of your generosity, Village Santa Cruz County brought in over $8,000, almost double from out last year's efforts. A huge Thank You to all who contributed!!!
And a special thanks to the Volunteer Center and Good Times, who year after year make this community giving event happen. 
Thank You!
Cogeneration Coffee Chats
We are starting 2025 with co-generational coffeehouse chats. Our first one was a great success. Four of Village members chatted for an hour with four UCSC students from the Student Doctor Alliance.
It was a wonderful experience. The students were open and engaged and we heard about their concerns and goals. They were very interested in hearing about our experiences and hoped to maintain contact with us. They are looking for connections, too!"
- Kathleen

Village Santa Cruz County
Extends into Watsonville
After working on this a couple of years, we are happy to announce that Village Santa Cruz County is finally moving into Watsonville, with five of our members currently residing there. Although we haven't formed a Watsonville Circle yet, Watsonville members had a meet-up at The Rustic Burger, to get to know each other better. They plan to meet in Watsonville each month and open it up to the public, so other south county residents can learn about Village. Stay tuned!
Triangle Speaker's Panel
The Diversity Triangle Speakers shared stories of their life journeys. We were all very moved by the openness of each panel member as they told their stories. After the stories we had a great discussion as our questions were thoughtfully answered. Some take-aways:
 - Each individual has the right to self-identification. It's important to respect, not question or talk about why it's hard for you to accept a person's gender and sexual identity.
 - Simply apologize and move on, when misaddressing someone's pronouns. 
 - The biggest struggle today within the LGBTQ+ community is transgender rights. Look to ways to support this issue.

 Photo Management Presentation

Monday, February 17,

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM on ZOOM

 Photo Manager and Professional organizer Lisa Krigsman of Start Here Photo Organizing and Curating, will talk about managing both your physical and digital photos, to ‘create a life story you are excited and proud to share!’
Open to the public
For the zoom link
or register on our website calendar
Keeping Current: People are feeling extra anxious these days, with so many rapid changes happening in our country. This month, at our Keeping Current meet-up, members will talk about our anxieties and share what each of us have found helps us move forward in a more positive way. .   

Walking Buddies:
Matching your needs with other Village members
February 7, 11:00 AM
on Zoom

For Village members looking to get into a regular walking or hiking schedule and looking for a buddy or group. Join us on zoom as we try and match members' needs. Are you up for a slow short amble, a vigorous hike, or something in between? What days, what time of day works for you? In what area of the county? Let's try to make matches.

Senior Resources Fair

 hosted by Santa Cruz Housing Authority

Friday, February 28, 2025, from 3:00 to 5:00 PM

at the London Nelson Center (Room 3) in Santa Cruz. 

Village Santa Cruz County will be tabling at the event, so come by and say hi. We’re happy to answer any question you may have about Village Santa Cruz.

It's time to update the
Village Member Directory
The Directory is a listing of contact information so that members are able to contact each other. You choose what contact information you want to share - Name, email, phone, address. Just let us know your preference by emailing info@villagesantacruz.orgOnly other Village members have access to the Directory.
Recommendations from the TV/Movie Discussion Group  

TV shows recommended:
"Patrice, the movie." 
A disabled couple in their 50s, Patrice and Garry, want to marry but risk losing their benefits if they do. Despite the risk, they decide to hold a commitment ceremony.  On Hulu.
"On Call." 
Follows a pair of police officers on patrol as they respond to a new radio call, arriving on the scene to resolve incidents.  On Amazon Prime.
"The Six Triple Eight."
During World War II, 855 women joined the fight to fix the three-year backlog of undelivered mail. Faced with discrimination and a country devastated by war, they managed to sort more than 17 million pieces of mail ahead of time.  On Netflix.
"Billy and Molly." 
A man forms an unlikely friendship with a wild otter while living in the remote Shetland Islands.  On Disney Plus.
When the double murder in Linköping, Sweden, back in 2004 was finally solved after 16 years, it was a genealogist who made the breakthrough. For the first time in Europe, a murder could be solved through genealogical research.  On Netflix.
Great Performances on PBS,
where modern operas can be watched.

Movies recommended:
"A Complete Unknown."
In theaters now, the film tells about Bob Dylan's early years of breaking into the folk music scene and moving towards rock n roll.  

Solo Agers enjoy dinner together

  Book Group Read for February 21 Discussion: The Demon of Unrest: A Saga of Hubris, Heartbreak, and Heroism at the Dawn of the Civil War, by Erik Larson. This nonfiction bookbrings to life the pivotal five months between the election of Abraham Lincoln and the start of the Civil War—a slow-burning crisis that finally tore a deeply divided nation in two.
Attention! Village Bowling has moved from Thursdays to the 2nd Wednesday of the month. We have learned that on Wednesdays bowling is half price. Check out the Coming UP section for details.

Not Born Yesterday, a podcast brought to you by is dedicated to the issues of ageism and aging. We examine the problems and solutions of growing older today. We also challenge the institutions and policies that perpetuate ageism while providing information and suggestions on how to enhance the coming years, available on most podcast platforms. Check it out the Not Born Yesterday Podcast 

My Parting Prescription for America
Dr. Vivek Murthy, 19th & 21st Surgeon General of the United States.
 ‘This Perspective is a reflection that weaves together Dr. Vivek Murthy’s personal and professional experiences having spent a majority of the last ten years as our nation’s Surgeon General. While there are citations provided in some portions of the document, this is not a traditional scientific report. Rather, it is an individual perspective on the root causes of widespread pain and unhappiness he has seen across America and a prescription for how we can cultivate health and fulfillment. In this document, Dr. Murthy describes a number of concepts, including success, fulfillment, community, relationships, meaning, purpose, and more. While the exact definition of these terms may vary among different experts and disciplines, Dr. Murthy lays out his view of these concepts and how they can relate to our overall health My Parting Prescription for America
Generations Today, American Society on Aging Jan/Feb e-magazine.
This issue focuses on Aging While Black, a movement catalyzed by Raymond A. Jetson and Kali Graves at On Aging 2023. Read the e-magazine at Jan - Feb 2025 | ASA Generations

Aging Resource Guides from The California Department of Aging

The "Aging in California: Your Connection to Resources" guide includes a directory of resources and contact information for services available across the state. “The Emergency Preparedness Guide” is specifically designed to help older adults and people with disabilities prepare for emergencies to ensure they stay safe before, during, and after disasters and other emergency events.

California Department of Aging Resource Portal

The Master Plan for Aging (MPA) Fourth Annual Report

and 2025–26 MPA Initiatives 

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

2:00 – 3:00 p.m.

Join this statewide webinar highlighting our collective accomplishments and sharing the next phase of California’s Master Plan for Aging (MPA). Two key milestones will be presented as we work in partnership to build a California for ALL ages and abilities. 

Register Here

American Sign Language (ASL) and closed captioning will be provided, and the webinar will be recorded and posted to CDA’s YouTube channel

Creativity After Retirement

‘Key findings indicated that the need to feel challenged and stimulated was paramount for feelings of wellbeing. The feeling of belonging to a community was considered important and could be derived from creative arts activities.’

Creativity in retirement: psychosocial experiences of recently retired people participating in a creative arts project - PubMed

Beginning Watercolor Class

Starting Saturday, March 1st, 9:30 – noon, for 6 weeks.

(March 1, 8, 15,22, 29, April 5)

Location: Highlands Park Senior and Community Center

5000 Hwy 9, Ben Lomond, CA

Artist/Teacher:  Alisan Andrews, Artist/Teacher

Fee:  $150. (6 classes) 

Materials: Plan to purchase appx. $35-$45. supplies

Ages: 16 – 116.

Register at the Highlands Park Center Office 

QUESTIONS? contact Alisan at 650-400-8623 or     Download Flyer
Soji's Ceramic's Classes
Become a Member of Village Santa Cruz County
Visit us on Facebook
Coming UP in February
Members will receive Zoom information in weekly eBlasts.
If you are not yet a Village member but would like to join one of our events, to meet some Village members, please contact

Monday, February 3, Guided Meditation, 4:00 - 4:15 PM, Join on Zoom.  

Tuesday, February 4, Rummikub, 12:00 - 1:30 PM, 
@ Player's mobile home park clubhouse in Capitola. Rummikub is a fun board game for everyone. Easy to learn. We spice up the game with a little wagering on the side, so bring your spare change (pennies, nickels and dimes).  

Wednesday, February 5, Aptos Circle Chat, 1:00 – 2:30 PM, Aptos Methodist Church, 221 Thunderbird Drive, Aptos. Relax with a cup of coffee or tea and catch up on what's happening with your Circle friends. Curious about Village? Open to all. Non-members are welcome to join us.

Thursday, February 6, Bocce, 11:00 AM  - 12:00 PM, 
Felt Street Park1904 Felt Street, Santa Cruz. Come play Bocce with us! All members welcome. Bocce Ball is simple to learn, it's a lot of fun, and good exercise (not to mention the great company). Come try it out. Cancelled in the event of rain or wet court. 

Thursday, February 6, Solo Agers, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM, @ the conference room in the Aptos Library, 7695 Soquel Dr. We meet once a month to talk about how we deal with various issues and to offer aid and support. We will have a no-host lunch afterward.

Thursday, February 6, Westside Circle Chat, 1:00 - 2:00 PM,
The Abbey Coffeehouse 350 Mission St. Relax with a cup of coffee or tea and catch up on what's happening with your Circle friends.  Non-members are welcome to join us.

Friday, February 7, Walking Buddies, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM, Join on Zoom. For those interested in walking with a buddy or group. Come and input your available times, preferred areas, walking abilities. We’ll try and match everyone’s needs with one or more interested walkers.

Friday, February 7, Executive Board Meeting, 12:00 - 12:30 PM, Join on Zoom. The Executive Board meets to plan the agenda for the Advisory Committee meeting on February 13. This planning meeting is closed but you are welcome to send in any topic suggestions for the agenda and are invited to attend the February 13 meeting

Monday, February 10, Westside Circle: Life Stories, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM, @ a Westside Circle member's home. Topic: What was your career choice or were there several switches? What made you decide on that? If you could go back in time and choose a different career, what would it be? 

Tuesday, February 11, Mid County Circle Chat, 1:30 - 2:30 PM,
@ Java Junction, 519 Seabright Ave.  Curious about Village? Open to all. Non-members are welcome to join us.

Wednesday, February 12Bowling at the Boardwalk Bowl, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM, @ The Boardwalk Bowl. Join us for a fun time bowling. Feel a bit rusty? Never tried it? No problem. Some of us plan to use the bumpers to keep our ball from straying in the alley! Contact if you plan to join us and we'll pass it on to the group. Note that bowling is now starting at 11:00 AM, on the second Wednesday of the month.

Wednesday, February 12,  SLV Circle Chat, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PMHighlands Park Community and Senior Center8500 Highway 9, Ben Lomond. Relax with a cup of coffee or tea and catch up on what's happening with your Circle friends. Curious about Village? Open to all. Non-members are welcome to join us. Note time change! We are now meeting from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM.

Thursday, February 13, Bocce, 11:00 AM  - 12:00 PM,  Felt Street Park1904 Felt Street, Santa Cruz. Come play Bocce with us! All members welcome. Bocce Ball is simple to learn, it's a lot of fun, and good exercise (not to mention the great company). Come try it out. Cancelled in the event of rain or wet court. 

Thursday, February 13, Advisory Board Monthly Meeting12:30 PM - 2:15 PM, Join on Zoom. All Village members are invited to attend our monthly planning meeting. Email if you plan to attend, so that we can send you the agenda.

Friday, February 14, Westcliff Walks, 10:30 - 11:30 AM, We will walk along Westcliff Dr. Meet in the parking lot of Shrine Coffee. 544 Westcliff Ave.

Monday, February 17, Photo Management Presentation, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM, Join on Zoom. Lisa Krigsman, of Start Here Photo Organizing and Curating, will talk about managing both your physical and digital photos. Open to the public. 

Wednesday, February 19, Aptos Circle Luncheon, 12:00 – 1:30 PM, @ TBD.

Thursday, February 20, Bocce, 11:00 AM  - 12:00 PM, @ Felt Str. Park, 1904 Felt Street, Santa Cruz. Come play Bocce with us! All members welcome. Cancelled in the event of rain or wet court. 

Thursday, February 20, Movie/TV Discussion Group, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM, Join on Zoom. Look at the recommendations above for suggestions on what to watch.

Friday, February 21, Book Discussion Group, 1:00 - 2:00 PM,  @ Simpkins Swim Center, 979 17th Ave. Santa Cruz. Book: The Demon of Unrest: A Saga of Hubris, Heartbreak, and Heroism at the Dawn of the Civil War, by Erik Larson. This nonfiction book brings to life the pivotal five months between the election of Abraham Lincoln and the start of the Civil War—a slow-burning crisis that finally tore a deeply divided nation in two.  @ Simpkins Swim Center, 979 17th Ave. Santa Cruz.

Monday, February 24, Memoir Writing, 1:00 PM – 2:30 PMBecause of the very personal nature of our writings, which we share, this group is currently closed to new members. Want to start a 2nd writing group? Contact and we'll help put out the word and connect you with other members who are interested. Note date change. Memoir Writing will return to the third Monday of the month in March.

Tuesday, February 25, Mid-County Luncheon, 12:30 - 1:30 PM, @ TBD.

Wednesday, February 26, 
 SLV Circle Chat, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM
@ at Highlands Park Community and Senior Center, 8500 Highway 9, Ben Lomond. Relax with a cup of coffee or tea and catch up on what's happening with your Circle friends. Curious about Village? Open to all. Non-members are welcome to join us. Note time change! We are now meeting from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM.

Wednesday, February 26, Keeping Current, 4:00 - 5:00 PM, Join on Zoom. As a Group explore ideas of Topics for Learning & Discussion. This month we'll share our anxieties about the state of the country and our personal lives, and what we're each doing to combat feeling hopeless.

Thursday, February 27, Bocce, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM, @ Felt Str. Park, 1904 Felt Street, Santa Cruz. Come play Bocce with us! All members welcome. Cancelled in the event of rain or wet court. 

Thursday, February 27, Movie at the Theater, Time: TBD,  Movie and details TBD when the movie list for this date comes out. 

or sign up on the website events calendar
In Our Community

Sunday, March 16, 1:00 - 3:00 PM. Celebration of Life for Sandy Cohen. Sandy's family is hosting her celebration of life at the Dream Inn. For more information download the invitation Sandy Cohen's Celebration of Life

41st Annual UCSC MLK Convocation, Thursday, Jan. 30, 6:30 PM at the Kaiser Permanente Arena, 140 Front St. Doors open at 6.  WNBA Hall of Famer, Olympic gold medalist and mental health champion Chamique Holdsclaw, whose poignant journey transformed her into a powerful mental health advocate, will be the featured speaker at UC Santa Cruz’s 41st annual Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Convocation. This yearly convocation celebrates the life and dreams of Martin Luther King Jr. with presentations about equality, freedom, justice and opportunity. The event is free and open to the public. For more information, visit the UC Santa Cruz campus events calendar at Martin Luther King Jr. Convocaton

‘FOUR WINTERS’ documentary.
The Santa Cruz Jewish Film Festival opens its 2025 season with the award-winning documentary “FOUR WINTERS” on Monday, Feb. 3 at 6:30 p.m. at Temple Beth El, 3055 Porter Gulch Road. The documentary tells the story of the 25,000 Jewish partisans who fought back against the Nazis and their collaborators from deep within the forests of Eastern Europe during WWII. Against extraordinary odds, they escaped Nazi slaughter and evolved from young innocents to courageous resistance fighters, shattering the myth of Jewish passivity. The last surviving partisans tell their stories in “FOUR WINTERS,” revealing a narrative of heroism and resilience. Admission is free and open to the public. Director Julia Mintz will be in attendance for a Q&A. For information visit and

Tuesday, Feb. 4, 1:00 PM, G
enealogy virtual lecture: “Introduction to use of DNA for Genealogy” hosted by the Genealogical Society of Santa Cruz and the Santa Cruz Public Libraries. As part of the County Lecture Series, genealogist Kate Penney Howard will be the featured guest speaker. This program will present strategies for cracking the identities of your mystery DNA matches, such as those elusive distant cousins who don’t have trees. It will cover various logical approaches, how to glean information from your match’s profile, how free and paid resources can help uncover the facts and leave no stone unturned. Specializing in brick wall research and endogamy, Howard will break down complex topics into relatable and digestible content. To register via Zoom, visit Online registration via the SCPL website is necessary for viewing this event from home. Join the live stream in person in the upstairs meeting room of the downtown library at 224 Church St. For more information, visit

Saturday, Feb. 8, 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Monarch Migration Festival
at Natural Bridges State Park, 2531 West Cliff Dr. Santa Cruz. The monarchs return to our area each spring. Come to the 38th annual Monarch Migration Festival to celebrate their return. Many organizations from the community will be there with family-friendly, hands-on activities and booths highlighting the migration of whales, butterflies, birds and the many creatures that travel to and through this fascinating area. Celebrate migration of all kinds with  migratory animal talks, active kids’ games, crafts, skits and live music, and more! For more information, click here. 

Thursday, February 13th at 6PM. 
Beyond the Bridge: A solution to homelessness,
a film by Bigger Vision Films. Screening and Panel Discussion,@ the Rio Theatre, 1205 Soquel Ave, Santa Cruz, CA 95062, $12/General Admission. The team at A Bigger Vision Films noticed that most documentaries on homelessness offer few solutions, so they set out to create BEYOND THE BRIDGE. The film crew drove over 40,000 miles to visit 12 cities and dozens of service providers, those with lived experience and policymakers to answer this question: How can this country solve homelessness in a comprehensive way? Learn more; watch the trailer; buy tickets at Beyond the Bridge: A Solution to Homelessness - Housing Matters

Saturday, February 15, Gospel Night 2025, 6:30 - 9:00 PM High Street Community Church,850 High St., Santa Cruz CA 95060, hosted by the Santa Cruz Branch of the NAACP. An evening of uplifting Gospel Music to benefit the SC NAACP Scholarship fund. General Admission $30. Purchase tickets here 
2025 Gospel Night — NAACP SANTA CRUZ

Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 22 and 23, 1:00 to 4:00 PM. The 44th Annual Clam Chowder Cook-Off at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk. Amateur cooks on Saturday and Professional cooks on Sunday. Find more information on the Event Page.

Watsonville District-based survey — your feedback matters. In February every household will receive a district-based survey. This is an important opportunity for you to share your thoughts on how we can improve your neighborhood. Your input will help shape our city’s future and guide us in identifying areas where we can make positive changes. If you don’t know what district you live in, visit Council Districts Interactive Map | Watsonville 

 Articles, Videos, and Listening

It’s been a Minute, NPR Podcast: Fighting back against spams, scams and schemes, March 31, 2023. It's not just you – the constant texts, calls, emails and DMs from scammers are invading so many of our lives. And when the scams are successful, there's often no recourse at all. So how do we protect ourselves from these schemers? 25 minute listen Scammers, spam calls and more: keeping yourself and your money safe from schemes : It's Been a Minute : NPR

Ten Gut Myths Corrected, by Alice Callahan, NY Times, January 22, 2025. We asked leading authorities for the truth about probiotics, elimination diets, leaky gut and more. 10 Gut Myths, Corrected - The New York Times

Want to Access the NY Times? Here's How: According to Santa Cruz Public Libraries, anyone can get a free library card at Santa Cruz County public libraries and then have online access to all NYTimes articles. Besides reading the paper itself at any branch, you can also get full access to the online version. (You must first Register for an Account or log in with an existing NYT account).  Then, for remote access (from home or from your phone), use this link and follow these instructions. Please contact your local SC Library branch if you have further questions or for additional assistance.

Alzheimer's is a devastating disease. Fraud and misconduct in the research into this disease makes it even worse. Read David Jensen's report on an opinion piece in the New York Times here: Fraud and Misconduct in Alzheimer's Research: New Book dives into the "Legacy of Lies". And read “The Devastating Legacy of Lies in Alzheimer’s Science” by Charles Pillar, January 24, NY Times Opinion piece here: The Devastating Legacy of Lies in Alzheimer's Science.

Our society is experiencing a "meaning crisis." How can we find meaning in our lives?
Maria Shriver sits down with Harvard professor, PhD social scientist, happiness expert, bestselling author, and The Atlantic columnist Arthur C. Brooks. As they dive into The Science-Backed Pillars of a Meaningful Life, the “Professor of Happiness” shares why our society is experiencing a “meaning crisis,” how we find our way back by finding the deeper meaning of our own lives, and so much more.
Above the Noise with Maria: Arthur C. Brooks on Living a Deeply Meaningful Life

When we can Google the answer to everything, why rely on our memory for recall? By  Mary Ann Sternberg, NextAvenue, January 1, 2025 Read the Article. ‘I've begun to think of this dependence as contributing to my own weakness, which I call Google Brain.’ It Takes a Village ... To Finish a Sentence | Next Avenue

"How to Get Moving and Exercise More" Study after study has shown that levels of increased physical activity are associated both with improved cardiovascular health and survival. A combination of aerobic and resistance training is key." Learn "How to Get Moving and Exercise More" in this article from Next Avenue. 

A Holocaust survivor wants you to know how Nazis took his brother’s life. And how an angel saved his, Associated press, by Danica Kirka, January 25, 2025. Read the article Holocaust survivor describes how Nazis took his brother's life | AP News

Santa Cruz County law enforcement can’t block immigration raids, but some pledge not to cooperate, by Jesse Kathan, January 24, 2025, Santa Cruz Local, Santa Cruz County law enforcement can't block immigration raids, but some pledge not to cooperate

Village Santa Cruz County
1740 17th Ave., Santa Cruz, CA 95062
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