
Village Santa Cruz County
Aging Better Together
The Village News
October 2024
October 9, Ageism Awareness Day Ageism refers to stereotypes (how we think), prejudice (how we feel), and discrimination (how we act) toward others or ourselves based on age. It negatively impacts our health and well-being, our financial security, and the economy. It exists in many forms, influencing everything from personal interactions to public policy, and impacts us at every age.
"Aging - so cool that everybody's doing it!" |
Organizing and
Decluttering Your 'Stuff'
Monday, October 7, 11:00 – 12:00.
Open to the Public.
Join us on zoom as Claire Rubach, The Home Weeder talks to us about organizing and decluttering the material things in our life, in order to meet our individual goals. Claire draws on her background in counseling (Masters in Social Work), as well as her ten years as a professional Organizer, to help people move forward effectively and find satisfying solutions to challenges and roadblocks.
RSVP for the zoom link
Matter of Balance Workshop @ the Diversity Center
Oct 7 - Nov 4, Mondays and Wednesdays from 10am-12pm
Clay Building Workshop:
Build a Gnome
Special offer to Village members
No studio fee
$10 material fee
Friday, November 8, 1:00 - 2:00 PM (under Soji's guidance, build your gnome)
Friday, November 22, 1:00 - 2:00 PM (Glazing Day)
only 6 spots available so sign up asap
NOTE: this workshop is open to Village Members only but...
Ceramics For Everyone
If you are interested in working with clay (clay building or a one-on-one wheel throwing lesson) check out Soji's Ceramics. For weekly classes and open studio, for both kids and adults.
About Soji: Soji and her family recently moved back to Santa Cruz (where she grew up) from Davis, CA where she had a thriving Ceramics Studio, teaching up to 13 classes a week to both kids and adults.
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by Dody Anderson
Did you know....
If you are having cardiac problems and want a little more control over getting an ekg, consider getting a KardiaMobile. One of our members showed a group of us how easy it was to use and how much more confident she felt knowing she had this device. KardiaMobile is a smart device that can record a medical-grade electrocardiogram (EKG) right on your smartphone. EKGs measure the electrical activity of your heart and are used in hospitals to detect irregularities with your heart rate or rhythm, which may be indicators of a heart condition such as atrial fibrillation (AFib).
KardiaMobile records a single-lead EKG, which provides you and your doctor with reliable information on your heart health. KardiaMobile can detect AFib, Bradycardia, and Tachycardia, with more determinations available with a KardiaCare membership.
Using clinically validated EKG technology you’ll get an accurate analysis of your heart rhythm with every recording in just 30 seconds. It is a little bigger than a credit card and is not difficult to use. Prices range from $79-129.00. Learn more at their website: Kardia.com Also available from Amazon, CVS, and Best Buy.
1.) If you have a hard time telling which keys are which, try color coding them by painting the head of the key with nail polish. It will make them easier to tell them apart. Another way to keep track of your keys (and your wallet) is to use a tracking app (if you have an iPhone, just use the "Find My.." app.) You can also use a "Tile" which attaches to your keys or wallet. You can order one here.
2.)Tennis Ball Parking Guide. If you have ever wondered why a tennis ball was hanging from some people's garage ceiling, here's why. To park your car in perfect position every time, hang a tennis ball from the garage ceiling so it just touches the windshield. It will show you precisely where to stop.
3.) Polish Stainless Steel with Vinegar. Use distilled white vinegar to keep stainless steel appliances, countertops, and sinks smudge-free. Spray, rub gently, rinse, and buff to a shine.
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Recommendations from the TV/Movie Discussion Group
Movies recommended:
Jules - Kanopy (free - library streaming services) - UFO sci-fi dramedy in Pennsylvania small town.
Close To You ($4 or $5 on various platforms) - Elliot Page stars in this powerful fictional film about returning to his hometown as a man (she left it as a woman).
TV shows recommended:
Slow Horses - Apple - thriller following a team of dysfunctional MI5 agents, starring Gary Oldman as chief misfit. Hint: use English subtitles as the accents are strong.)
Reasonable Doubt - Hulu - A black, female corporate defense lawyer navigates challenging high-profile cases. Loosely based on Shawn Holley, a celebrity attorney.
Rose and Maloney - Prime - British series about a female investigator and her male assistant who take on miscarriage-of-justice cases.
Unbelievable - Netflix - A true story mini-series of two female detectives from different areas uniting to bring down a serial rapist after male detectives botched the case due to sexism.
The Old Man - Hulu - A spy thriller series that follows a former CIA operative (Jeff Bridges) who is forced to confront his past when he is hunted down by his former agency.
Deep Look - PBS - A science documentary series that explores the microscopic world through captivating visuals and informative explanations.
If you want all the recommendations this month (about 30 different ones!), drop a note to Robin at ramcduff@gmail.com.
Not Born Yesterday, a podcast brought to you by NEXTVillageSF.org is dedicated to the issues of ageism and aging. We examine the problems and solutions of growing older today. We also challenge the institutions and policies that perpetuate ageism while providing information and suggestions on how to enhance the coming years, available on most podcast platforms. Check it out the Not Born Yesterday Podcast
The Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation is seeking new members to serve on its Disabled and Older Adult Transportation Advisory Committee.
Any Santa Cruz County resident who is age 60-plus, a paratransit rider, lives with a disability or represents services for seniors and people with disabilities is eligible. This is an opportunity to guide and review planning, policy, and funding for transportation programs, especially those for seniors. For more information go to the Elderly and Disabled Transportation Advisory Committee Page, for an application, go to SCCRTC Application, or email info@sccrtc.org.
The Santa Cruz Welcoming Network Fall 2024 Newsletter
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Caregivers Support Family Resource Fair
October 5, 10:00am - 2:00pm
at the
Highlands Park Senior and Community Center
8500 CA Hwy 9, Ben Lomond
There will be representatives from all levels of dementia and disability care, including a home care agency, board and care home, assisted living facility, skilled care facility, and hospice. These folks will have tables w/ info and give talks throughout the day w/the opportunity to ask them questions. Many of the local health and legal services will also participate, including Meals On Wheels, Elder day, Lift Line, The Alzheimer’s Association, HICAP, Santa Cruz Community Health, Del Mar Caregiver Resource Center, Encompass and Village Santa Cruz County (stop by and say hi).
HICAP Information & Paper-shredding Event
Get documents shredded from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Oct. 5. Bring any mail that contains personal information and have it shredded at 3333 Soquel Drive, Soquel. Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (HICAP) will be on hand providing information on the upcoming Medicare annual enrollment period, and information on how to avoid Medicare fraud. Call 831-462-5510 for information.
Home - Senior Network Services
The Great ShakeOut
Coming Oct 17, 2024
This year's International ShakeOut Day is October 17, when millions of people worldwide will participate in earthquake drills at work, school, or home! At 10:17 a.m. (local time) on 10/17, you can join millions of people across the world practicing earthquake safety.
Earthquake Country Alliance: Welcome to Earthquake Country!
The California Department of Aging has compiled an extensive Emergency Preparedness Guide for 2024. It has all kinds of useful information such as what to do and how to prepare for emergencies such as natural disasters . This guide outlines how to stay updated about events and evacuation alerts in your area, how to plan and prepare for an evacuation, as well as the different levels of evacuation warnings and what they mean. It also has information on how to connect with your neighbors, find shelter, and weather the storm with a minimum of disruption. You can download the guide here.
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With Much Gratitude
Thank you, Tom Gordon, for leading the presentation and discussion on Hospital Admissions and Discharges: Your Rights as a Medicare Patient. Tom was a well of information and generous with his time, staying a full half hour extra to answer our questions. I don't think anyone left that meeting without learning something.
And thank you, Dody, who raised this topic with her description of her sister's hospital visit. But Dody didn't stop there. After her (not so good) experience, she recognized that this was a subject we should all know more about. So she worked to get Tom as out presenter. Those of us who went, are glad we did.
Dody and Jacquy have offered to compile a list of important facts, related to what we learned, so that all of our members are better equipped if they or a loved one goes into the hospital. |
Fantastic Conferences
Both the Village-to-Village Network international conference (yes, there are villages outside of the USA) and Village Movement California statewide conference, were held in September; both were great successes. We learned so much and made some great connections. As we consolidate the information we gained through presentations and break-out groups, we'll be passing it along to our members, bit-by-bit. Stay tuned!
[Any time a particular group is isolated or marginalized, it's a problem for all of us. If we want to live up to our ideal as a just society, then that means taking steps to make sure that everyone, no matter what their age, is treated as an equal member of our communities.] | | |
Become a Member of Village Santa Cruz County
|  | Coming UP in October
Members will receive Zoom information in weekly eBlasts.
If you are not yet a Village member but would like to join one of our events, to meet some Village members, please contact info@villagesantacruz.org
Tuesday, October 1, Rummikub, 12:00 - 1:00, In person, @ Player's mobile home park clubhouse in Capitola. Rummikub is a fun board game for everyone. Join us in playing it. NEW: we've decided to add spice to the game with a little wagering on the games, so bring your spare change (pennies, nickels and dimes).
Wednesday, October 2, Aptos Circle Chat, 1:00 – 2:30 PM, In person @ Aptos Methodist Church, 221 Thunderbird Drive, Aptos. Relax with a cup of coffee or tea and catch up on what's happening with your Circle friends. Curious about Village? Open to all. Non-members are welcome to join us.
Thursday, October 3, Bocce, 10:30 - 11:30 AM, In person @ Felt Street Park, 1904 Felt Street, Santa Cruz. Come play Bocce with us! All members welcome. Bocce Ball is simple to learn, it's a lot of fun, and good exercise (not to mention the great company). Come try it out. Cancelled in the event of rain or wet court.
Thursday, October 3, Westside Circle Chat, 1:00 - 2:00 PM, In person @ The Abbey Coffeehouse, 350 Mission St. The Abbey (abbeycoffee.org) Relax with a cup of coffee or tea and catch up on what's happening with your Circle friends. The days are getting cooler and UCSC is back in session. It's time to discuss where our coffee chats will take place going forward. Bring your ideas for a gathering place with this wish list in mind: outdoor seating that is weather-friendly or an indoor space that gets good air flow. Not too crowded, not too noisy with a good chance there will be an open table for our group and parking available. Non-members are welcome to join us.
Friday, October 4, Advisory Leads Planning Team, 10:00 - 11:00 AM, Join on Zoom. Executive Board Meeting for Village Santa Cruz.
Friday, October 4, Solo Agers, 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM In person @ the conference room in the Aptos Library, 7695 Soquel Dr. We meet once a month to talk about how we deal with various issues and to offer aid and support. We will have a no-host lunch at the Pixie Deli, 111 Venetian Rd. Rio del Mar, afterward.
Monday, October 7, Presentation with Claire Rubach "Organizing & Downsizing our Stuff." 11 AM - 12 PM, Join on Zoom, Hear this presentation about organizing and decluttering our lives with Claire Rubach, the "Home Weeder." This presentation is free and open to the public - the zoom link is different than our member-only link. To get the zoom link, you must register at our website or email info@villagesantacruz.org
Monday, October 7, Guided Meditation, 4:00 - 4:15 PM, Join on Zoom.
Tuesday, October 8, Mid County Circle Chat, 1:30 - 2:30 PM, In person @ The Loft Coffee Shop, 2701 Cabrillo College Dr. Aptos. Curious about Village? Open to all. Non-members are welcome to join us.
Wednesday, October 9, SLV Circle Chat, 10:30 – 11:30 AM, In person @ at Highlands Park Community and Senior Center, 8500 Highway 9, Ben Lomond. Relax with a cup of coffee or tea and catch up on what's happening with your Circle friends. Curious about Village? Open to all. Non-members are welcome to join us.
Thursday, October 10, Bocce, 10:30 - 11:30 AM, In person @ Felt Street Park, 1904 Felt Street, Santa Cruz. Come play Bocce with us! All members welcome. Bocce Ball is simple to learn, it's a lot of fun, and good exercise (not to mention the great company). Come try it out. Cancelled in the event of rain or wet court.
Thursday, October 10, Advisory Committee Monthly Meeting, 12:30 PM - 2:15 PM, Join on Zoom. All Village members are invited to attend our monthly planning meeting. Email info@villagesantacruz.org if you plan to attend, so that we can send you the agenda.
Friday, October 11, Westcliff Walks, 10:30 - 11:30 AM, In person. We will walk along Westcliff Dr. Meet in the parking lot of Shrine Coffee. 544 Westcliff Ave. And perhaps, like last time, we'll have coffee/tea and a nice chat at Shrine Coffee or Lighthouse Food Shack after the walk--depending on where we decide to go!
Sunday, October 13, Solo Agers Docent led hike at Henry Cowell State Park, 11 AM - 1 PM, In person, Join us for a docent led hike at Henry Cowell, followed by a no-host picnic lunch. This event is open only to Solo Agers.
Monday, October 14, Westside "Days of Our Lives" Discussion, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM, In person, @ member's home on the Westside. Topic: Whoops! This month each of us will share a story about a whoops moment in our lives - an event you regret or at the time thought, 'well that was a mistake'.
Tuesday, October 15, Bowling at the Boardwalk Bowl, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM, In person @ Boardwalk Bowl. Join us for a fun time bowling. Feel a bit rusty? Never tried it? No problem. Some of us plan to use the bumpers to keep our ball from straying in the alley! Contact info@villagesantacruz.org if you plan to join us and we'll pass it on to the group.
Wednesday, October 16, Aptos Circle Luncheon, 12:00 – 1:30 PM, In person, @ TBD.
Thursday, October 17, Bocce, 10:30 - 11:30 AM, In person @ Felt Str. Park, 1904 Felt Street, Santa Cruz. Come play Bocce with us! All members welcome. Cancelled in the event of rain or wet court.
Thursday, October 17, Movie/TV Discussion Group, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM, Join on Zoom. Look at the recommendations above for suggestions on what to watch.
Friday, October 18, Book Discussion Group, 1 - 2 PM, In person @ a member's home. This month's book is All the Broken Pieces by John Boyne, a story about a woman who must confront the sins of her past and a present in which it is never too late for bravery. The story moves back and forth in time between Gretel's girlhood in Germany, where her father was the commander of Auschwitz, to present-day London where she continues to be haunted by the past.
Monday, October 21, Memoir Writing, 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM. Because of the very personal nature of our writings, which we share, this group is currently closed to new members. Want to start a 2nd writing group? Contact info@villagesantacruz.org and we'll help put out the word and connect you with other members who are interested.
Tuesday, October 22, Mid-County Luncheon, 12:30 - 1:30 PM, In person, @ TBD.
Wednesday, October 23, SLV Circle Chat, 10:30 – 11:30 AM, In person @ at Highlands Park Community and Senior Center, 8500 Highway 9, Ben Lomond. Relax with a cup of coffee or tea and catch up on what's happening with your Circle friends. Curious about Village? Open to all. Non-members are welcome to join us.
Wednesday, October 23, Keeping Current, 4:00 - 5:00 PM, Join on Zoom. As a Group explore ideas of Topics for Learning & Discussion.
Thursday, October 24, Bocce, 10:30 - 11:30 AM, In person @ Felt Str. Park, 1904 Felt Street, Santa Cruz. Come play Bocce with us! All members welcome. Cancelled in the event of rain or wet court.
Thursday, October 24, Movie at the Theater, Time: TBD, In person. Movie and details TBD when the movie list for this date comes out.
Thursday, October 31, Bocce, 10:30 - 11:30 AM, In person @ Felt Str. Park, 1904 Felt Street, Santa Cruz. Come play Bocce with us! All members welcome. Cancelled in the event of rain or wet court.
| In Our Community
Need a laugh this month? Check out the Santa Cruz Comedy Festival, October 1 - 5, with 17 Stages and 60+ Comics Santa Cruz Comedy Festival |
2024 U.S. Elections Forum Series, Power, Politics, and Our Democracy, UCSC Institute for Social transformation. UC Santa Cruz is excited to share our U.S. Elections Forum Series to provide a platform for deep conversations about our quickly changing and polarized democracy, and consider how to participate in and help shape our futures. How do power, politics, and the media landscape interact, disrupt, and reinforce one another? Join the conversation with our scholars and national thought leaders to learn more about how to think critically about our political processes and the nature of our democracy. There are six events in the series, all of them are offered online via Zoom, and three events have an in-person option. More information listed below. Events are free and open to the public. 2024 U.S. Elections Forum Series - UCSC Institute for Social Transformation
Friday, Oct. 4, 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM. The Capitola Library, at 2005 Wharf Rd. Capitola will host a nonpartisan state proposition forum. November’s state ballot includes 10 propositions on everything from building schools to prisons, rent control and drug crime penalties. When you receive your ballot, be an educated voter by attending a free forum where all state ballot measures will be presented with pros and cons by the League of Women Voters Santa Cruz County. You will receive a free copy of the League of Women Voters Easy Voter’s Guide at the forum. Go to Santa Cruz County | MyLo (lwv.org) for information.
California State Parks will be holding the Central Coast Good Fire Fair and demonstration burn Oct. 5 at Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park, 101 Big Trees Park Road, Felton. The daylong event is dedicated to understanding the role of fire in California’s ecosystems, promoting fire safety and celebrating cultural practices around controlled burns. The event kicks off at 10 a.m. with an opening ceremony. At 10:30 a.m. there will be a presentation on the basics of fire ecology and fire-adapted ecosystems by UC Cooperative Extension fire adviser Barb Satink Wolfson on the main stage and interactive hose lay races hosted by the Bonny Doon Fire Department in the main parking lot. From 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. there will be live demonstrations of controlled burns, including burning needles in redwood forest and showing the effects of fire, adjacent to the Redwood Grove Loop near the main parking lot, accessed from the Highway 9 entrance to the park. There will be a presentation on the traditional use of fire in land management practices with Alice Lincoln-Cook from the California Indian Basket Weavers Association at 1 p.m. and a presentation led by Alex Michel from the Central Coast Prescribed Burn Association with Spanish translation at 2 p.m. The event is free and day-use parking is $10. The event is being held in cooperation with the UC Cooperative Extension. Food trucks will also be available for food and refreshments. There will also be a kids zone with activities like a treasure hunt and quizzes. Call the park at 831-335-4598 for information.
The Arts Council Santa Cruz of County presents the 39th annual OPEN STUDIOS. This free, self-guided event features 300+ artists in Santa Cruz County. Open Studios takes place the first three weekends of October: Oct. 5-6: North County • Oct.12-13: South County • Oct.19-20: All County. Find out more at Open Studios - Arts Council Santa Cruz County (santacruzopenstudios)
The Santa Cruz Community Farmers’ Markets is launching its first Downtown Santa Cruz Harvest Festival from 12 noon to 5 PM. Sat. Oct. 5 on Lincoln Street between Cedar Street and Pacific Avenue. Think of a sweet nook version of county fair meets a school fair but filled with local farms and businesses. There will also be food, live music and many activities including a pumpkin sale, bouquet making, and a farm animal meet and greet. Visit Downtown Santa Cruz Harvest Festival for more information.
Thursday, Oct. 10, 10 - 11 AM. Tai Chi at the Aptos Public Library, 7695 Soquel Dr. Aptos. Whether you're a complete beginner or have some experience, this class is perfect for everyone! The Class Experience: Expect a warm and welcoming environment filled with laughter and camaraderie. Routines suitable for all fitness levels. Don't worry; no prior experience is required - just bring an open mind and a smile! This class is free, so it's best to arrive early. Just bring comfortable clothes that are easy to move in. For more information and additional dates, go to Tai Chi @ the Library.
Saturday, Oct. 26, the Boardwalk Chili Cook-Off. Yes, it's that time of year again. Come taste some of the best chili Santa Cruz has to offer at the annual Chili Cook-Off at the Boardwalk. Public tasting starts at 1 PM. For more information, go to the Boardwalk Chili Cook-Off page.
Articles, Videos, and Listening
Fall is here, and that means it's time for annual vaccines like the flue shot and the updated COVID vaccine. There are a lot of vaccines out there, the newest ones being the RSV and the new COVID vaccine. Read "What you need to know about vaccines after age 50" an article with lots of information on each vaccine, what the side effects might be, and whether getting vaccinated may lower your risk of dementia in this article from AARP.
The Del Mar Caregiver Resource Center has some great articles in their monthly newsletter. Go to Del Mar Caregiver.org and scroll down to some great articles on Healthy Aging, and deciding when you need a caregiver.
How much does aging affect mental acuity? It’s debatable. Learn more in this September 5, 2024, article, by Donald Jurivich, Chair of Geriatrics, University of North Dakota How much does aging affect mental acuity? It's debatable (theconversation.org)
Hidden Brain – You 2.0: Remember More, Forget Less. It happens to the best of us: we blank on someone’s name, or forget an important meeting, or bomb a test we thought we’d ace. Today on the show, Shankar Vedantam talks with cognitive scientist Daniel Willingham about the mysteries of memory: how it works, why it fails us, and how to build memories that stick. Listen to the podcast you 2.0: Remember More, Forget Less | Hidden Brain Media
Living With Cognitive Decline: A Conversation with Sharon Lukert, by Stacey Lindsay, from Maria Shriver’s Sunday Paper. September, 2024. What do we truly know about cognitive decline and how it unfolds in a life? In her forthcoming book, Until My Memory Fails Me, Sharon Lukert explores this question and shares her tools and wisdom for those impacted. Lukert admits she didn't know much about the topic, even having worked as a nurse and a home health aide, until she was diagnosed in 2021 with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), a condition described as an early stage of memory loss or other cognitive ability loss. Lukert, who is a retired Buddhist Chaplain, explains to us that any type of diagnosis within the realm of dementia can be devastating and can rob a person of hope. "Some of that comes from the stigma and the misinformation about dementia," she adds. Yet she attests that life can be vibrant, rich, and fulfilling even in the face of a diagnosis, and she shares some of her practices to bring this truth to light.
Lessons on Finding Meaning and Passion while Living with Cognitive Decline (mariashriversundaypaper)
All is Not Well in ‘Gene Therapy World’ – Denial of Coverage, Delays, and Complications. Implications for $12 billion California program and its mandate for affordability, by David Jensen, September 17, 2024, The Stem Cell Report. ‘It is one thing to talk abstractly about the astronomical costs of revolutionary gene therapies. It is another to dive into the personal battles with insurance companies and see the physical and emotional pain of the patients and their families "All Not Well in Gene Therapy World" - Denial of Coverage, Delays, and Complications
The ‘Confetti Illusion’ Makes Fruit Appear Riper Than It Really Is. Fruit seems riper when it is wrapped in a net that matches its optimal color, such as a really orangey orange. Scientific America, August 19, 2024 by Karen Menne. In the supermarket you inspect oranges in a net bag. They look ripe and appetizing. Then, when you get home, you are shocked: they’re still green! This is caused by a perceptual phenomenon known as color assimilation or the confetti illusion: objects appear to take on the color of a pattern placed over them. Read the article "The Confetti Illusion" Makes Fruit Appear Riper Than It Really Is | Scientific American
Session musicians are often overlooked and/or forgotten, since they work in the studio, and are not the primary artist on an album, but they have contributed so much to our musical lexicon here in the States. Read about some members of "The Wrecking Crew" a group of legendary LA based session musicians that contributed their talent to some of the best records from the 60s and beyond in this article from Next Avenue. The movie "The Wrecking Crew" can also be streamed on Hulu and HBO.
| Village Santa Cruz County
1740 17th Ave., Santa Cruz, CA 95062
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